
Back to shop Versant 280

Versant 280

50.000,00 + vat

Efficient and professional printers with high-quality results and vibrant colors for your office.

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The production printers we at IopGroup offer you the most most adaptable features available on the market. Unrivalled application flexibility unrivalled image quality, professional-level finishing, enhanced reliability and security, more automation and advanced tools.

Technical Specifications

Adaptive CMYK+


Max. media size

330,20 x 660,40 mm

Max. media weight

400 g/m2

Print Speed

80 ppm

Certifications and Licenses

Replace CMYK toners with the special colours of Xerox® Adaptive CMYK+ technology. Print traditional digital applications with CMYK colours. Replace your toners with the Xerox® Vivid Toner Kit to create fantastic new applications in brilliant metallic, white and clear colours. Or upgrade to the Xerox® Fluorescent Toner Kit to create colourful prints that won't go unnoticed and glow under UV light.

What is CMYK+

Kit Vivid

  • A versatile white toner
  • High-impact gold and silver metallic toners
  • An elegant transparent toner

Kit Fluorescente

  • Fluorescent cyan, fluorescent magenta and fluorescent yellow toners
  • Attract attention and don't go unnoticed with high-impact fluorescent colour blends that expand your colour gamut and print opportunities.


Managed Print Services Landscape 2021

Quocirca, an international research company, in its latest report has reconfirmed Xerox as a leader in a competitive market, through a vendor analysis of the global managed print services market


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Finanziato da Simest SpA - Simest n. 77254/EP/FP

Il progetto sviluppato è un sito web e-commerce multilingua, basato su Content Management System (CMS) Wordpress. All'interno del portale sono stati implementati/installati differenti plugin, script e programmi permettendo la gestione dedicata di diverse funzionalità, tra le quali il cambio lingua (IT-EN), l'acquisto online tramite registrazione, gestione del proprio carrello e pagamento digitale tramite PayPal e Carta di Credito. 

Importo erogato: € 300.000,00 a valere su risorse PNRR allocate al Fondo 394/81, di cui € 75.000,00 quale quota di Cofinanziamento a fondo perduto e € 225.000,00 quale quota di Finanziamento.

Ioprint S.r.l. - P.IVA/C.F.: 02589840301
